1. Help & Support
  2. SAM
  3. Auctioneers-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

First things first!

Here are some important settings that should be considered when you first have access to your new installation:
1. Enter your authorize.net (or other payment gateway) data .  Go to Settings tab, select system parameters and then invoicing and payments.
2. Enter your SMTP email settings (as provided by your email hosting
provided or network consultant) under “SMTP Settings” and also choose
an email address that your customers will receive email from whenever
the system sends emails (such as info@myemail.com).  Go to Settings tab, select system parameters, then system configuration.  
3. Adjust the email template for emails sent out by the system upon
specific events: Go to Settings tab, select email templates tab and enter information for specific information you would like emailed to your bidders.
4. Fill in default terms and conditions, invoice address info, etc.
Go to Settings tab, then select site content tab.
(can still be changed per individual auction)