Create an AWS Account
- Go to
- Click Create AWS account in the top right.
*Fill out the Create an account prompts
*Enter your contact information and click "Create an Account and Continue"
- Fill out your billing information
- Verify your phone number
- Log in to your console using the account you just created. Sign in as a root user to use your email address
- Click the services dropdown on the homepage of the console and choose S3 from the storage section
*Click "Create Bucket"
- Enter a unique bucket name and the region that best suits you and your team
- Some considerations are distance from you and data privacy laws
*Click into bucket
*Select properties tab
*(optional) Click Default encryption, choose the type of key supported by your IT policies, click save
*(optional) Back on properties tab select Versioning
*Click Enable versioning, save
*Click permissions tab, click Edit
*Uncheck all, save
*Click CORSconfiguration, add configuration, save
*(optional - to be done if you chose to enable versioning above) click management tab, click Add lifecycle rule
*Name = deleteNonCurrentObjects, click Apply to all objects in bucket, click Next
*Click Next
*Click Permanently delete previous versions, choose number of days to retain deleted objects, check clean up expired object delete markers, check clean up incomplete multipart uploads, click Next
*Review, acknowledge, save
*Create IAM policy: Console IAM Policies, click Create policy
*Click JSON tab, enter policy, click review policy
Add policy name S3POLICYNAME, description “s3 access for AIMHQ-Assettrax, click Create policy
*Create IAM user: Console IAM Users, click Add user
*Enter username S3USER, select Programmatic access, click Next: permissions
*Click Attach existing policies directly, choose policy S3POLICYNAME
*Click Next: Review
*Review, click Create user
*Click Download .csv, you must capture your key data here as it won’t be available later, click close
Record for implementation in application
Access Key Id output by access key creation
Access Key Secret output by access key creation
Bucket name S3BUCKETNAME
Public URL
If you used the console, you will need to map your region (e.g. EU (London) to eu-west-2)
Region and name list here: regions