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Live Auction Day Setup

We recommend you set up for an auction a few hours in advance of the starting
time. This allows you to do so calmly and confidently without any panic!
We understand that everyone’s set up will be a little bit different, so please contact
your account manager if you have any further questions.
However, hopefully the below guide will help....

Basic Kit List:
- Tablet/netbook for auctioneer screen
- Large display screen and HDMI/VGA cable for projector display
- Laptop and Mouse for Operator
- Ethernet cable to connect Operator laptop to internet
- Microphone with USB connection
- WebCam with USB connection
If you need any recommendations as to what to buy in regards to the kit above,
please get in touch and we can let you know what we normally use.

Auctioneer screen
On the Tablet/Netbook, login to your SAM install.
Go to the relevant Auction and then click on the ‘Auctioneer’ tab.
If you are on an older version of SAM, you may need to go to the ‘Projector’ tab and
click on ’Show in pop up (auctioneer)’
Make this full screen and then this is ready to go.
Make sure your tablet is set up so that it does not sleep when idle. Also make sure it
is plugged in!


Projector/room display
Link your big display screen to your Operator laptop using an HDMI/VGA connection.
On the Operator laptop, go to display settings within your computer settings. You will
find this within ‘System Preferences’ on a Mac.
Set the displays so that they are ‘Extended’, NOT ‘Duplicated’ or ‘Mirrored’
Extended will allow you to drag a browser window over to your bid display screen.
Now, go to the auction in SAM and click on the ‘Projector’ tab. Drag this browser
window over to your big screen and make it full screen.
You may need to zoom in/out or alter your resolution settings depending on the
settings on your laptop/display.

Plug your USB camera and microphone into the USB ports on your Operator laptop.
Open a new browser window and login to SAM
Go to the relevant auction and click on the ‘Encode’ tab.
Please note: if Encode is not showing, go to ‘Info’ and scroll down to ‘Stream
Display’. You need to have Bidpath Audio/Video selected. Click Save Changes and
the Encode tab will now show.
Within the Encode tab, you may get a browser pop-up notification to ask you to allow
access to the camera and/or mic - make sure you ALWAYS ALLOW access.
Click on the ‘Config’ tab
Select the correct Camera name within ‘Video Source’. Then select the correct Mic
name in ‘Audio source’.
Make sure you are happy with the Camera aspect ratio - 4:3 is square, 16:9 is
widescreen view.
Leave all other settings as they are and then navigate back to the ‘Publish’ tab
When you are ready to start streaming, click the START button.
You will now see the same view in both the Camera and Playback boxes - this
means A/V is streaming successfully.

If it only shows in the left hand side box, click STOP and START again.
The Encode tab MUST BE OPEN AT ALL TIMES! Do not close it until the auction
has finished.

Open another tab on the Operator laptop and find the auction in SAM again.
You can do this by right clicking on the Encode tab and selecting ‘duplicate’.
Go to the ‘Run Live Auction’ tab within the relevant auction.
If you find that the simplified operator app is showing instead of advanced (or vice
versa), go to Info and select the correct ‘Clerking Style’ and click save changes.
Approximately 1 hour before the auction, click ’Start auction’ (top right of operator
Then click ‘Pause Auction’ until you are ready to start.
Again, remember to make sure your laptop is plugged in.
Please Note: The operator laptop should ideally be hard wired to your internet
connection rather than on Wifi.